Health and Wellness

We know that a healthy child makes the best learner. We are committed to helping your child remain healthy.

Our registered nurses (RNs) are responsible for the first aid care of students who are injured or become ill while under school supervision. In these cases, every effort is made to contact parents or guardians. Our ability to contact you is dependent on accurate information from parents. Student demographic sheets are sent home each September. It is important that you make any necessary changes and return the form to the school as soon as possible. It is important that you include emergency contacts (other than yourself) in case we are unable to reach you. If contact information changes throughout the year, please let us know as soon as possible.

Absence Procedure

Absences other than sickness, health treatment, death in the family, religious obligations, approved cooperative work programs and impassible roads are considered illegal. Making up for missed time is difficult and never as beneficial to your student as being present for regular instruction.

When a child is absent or tardy, parents are asked to phone the appropriate attendance officer. For the elementary school please call Mrs. Seeley at (518) 623-9747 and for the high school please call Mrs. Monroe at (518) 623-2861. State law requires that every absence from school, both legal and illegal, be explained by a written note from a parent or guardian upon the student's return to school. This note should specifically state the date and cause of the absence and must be submitted to the attendance officer within three days of the student's absence. A dental or doctor's appointment is not usually a reasonable excuse for a whole day's absence unless the student is ill.

Early dismissal from school requires a written excuse from the parent or guardian indicating the date, time and reason. In the even that the student does not report to school, and a parent or guardian or other designated adult (ex. baby sitter) has not phoned school to advise of the student's absence, we will call parents and guardians at home and/or at work. It is extremely important that we have up-to-date contact information.

Immunization Requirements

The New York State Department of Health and the New York State Education Department mandate specific vaccinations to attend school. Please visit the Department of Health's website for complete immunization information.

Parents/Guardians should consult with your child's physician regarding immunization schedules. Documented proof of immunizations need to be provided to the appropriate health office as soon as possible. For more information, please contact the health office.

Medications at School

If your student needs to take medicine during the school day, we must have a parent and prescribers authorization form on file for each medication including over the counter medications. New medication forms are required each year.

New York State requires school districts to comply with the following guidelines regarding medications at school:

  • Parents/Guardians must personally deliver all medication to the school health office unless a self-carry order form is signed by the parent and physician.

  • All controlled medications must be brought in by an adult.

  • All medication must remain in properly labeled pharmacy constrainers or original over-the-counter containers. If you are diving up a single prescription for use at home and at school, please ask your pharmacist to provide a second, identically labeled container for any medications your student will take at school.

  • A new prescription/medication form signed by the medical provider is required at the beginning of each school year.

  • A parent/guardian must sign the medication permission form.