Dear Families,           

I would like to inform you that a student who attended the homecoming dance on Saturday, October 23rd, had tested negative for COVID-19 on Friday, October 22nd. That student became symptomatic on Sunday, October 24th and tested positive on Tuesday, October 26th. After informing Warren County Public Health, they determined that all fully vaccinated students who attended the dance could attend school tomorrow (Friday, October 29th) and be tested during the school day as a precaution. All unvaccinated students who attended the dance must remain home tomorrow (Friday, October 29th). This will be an excused absence. The school will administer tests to the unvaccinated students who attended the dance between 3pm and 5pm outside at the High School. Any student that tests negative can return to school on Monday, November 1st.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Duell at (518) 623-2861 ext 222 or Mr. Goralski at (518) 623-2861 ext 224.

Thank you
Mr. Duell, Jr/Sr High School Principal